Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

Editor's Note: Followers & Years of Blogging!

CineMarvellous! Celebrates
Its SECOND Anniversary,
and Hits 200 Followers!

Hello, my dear blog buddies and readers. Today is a very special day for me, as my blog celebrates its 2nd anniversary. Yay! Happy Birthday, CineMarvellous! It's been two years now, and the blogging experience has been tremendous. I wouldn't change it for anything. Thank you, Blogger, for the opportunity!

So far, my blog has been visited exactly 77,437 times by 15,002 unique visitors from 143 different countries. Isn't that amazing? In my wildest dreams I would never imagined that my blog would become that fairly successful and read by thousands of people. Thank you all!

Furthermore, today I hit 200 (now 201) followers and I couldn't be happier that I got my 200th follower exactly on this particular day. Thank you, Doralynn for becoming the 200th member of my blog! A big thanks to all my followers and regular (and not that regular) readers. I've created this movie blog because of my huge passion for cinema, but mostly because of you, guys! So thank you for reading my amateurish movie reviews, and also thank you for all the lovely comments you've left on my posts throughout these 2 years. There will be special mentions, of course. ;) All the people mentioned below, I consider my closest and most endearing blog friends. I met all of them thanks to blogger, and I'm glad I did, because they're all fantastic! Just check them out and follow their wonderful blogs.

Mel @ Melissa's Imaginarium & The Movie411
Alex @ Alex J. Cavanaugh
Matty @ FilmMattic
J-Son @ SON:sation
Harry @ MM's Horror Movie Diary
HorrO @ Horro's Gory Reviews

And also:

Michele @ The Girl Who Loves Horror
Caledonia @ Writings, Musings and Other Such Nonsense
Russ @ filmsRruss
Lonelslander @ Bad MOvies... Positive Light
M. Hufstader @ The Smoking Pen
venoms5 @ Cool Ass Cinema
Mr. Review @ Mr. Review's Blog
M Pax @ Wistful Nebulae
Lesya @ Eternity of Dream
Andrew @ Who Wants Taters???
Ricky @ Ric's Reviews
Stevee @ Cinematic Paradox
Budd @ SciFi Media
Maurice @ Filmn Sketchr
Ty @ Comeuppance Reviews

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