Sabtu, 26 Mei 2012

Super movie review (2011)

Super 8 (2011)

Full review: J.J. Abrams' long-anticipated 'mysterious' project "Super 8" has finally arrived, and while it delivers everything it promises in terms of sheer entertainment, it hardly exceeds expectations, due to an unsteady pacing, lack of true originality, and a disappointing conclusion. Оbviously a reminiscent of 80s sci-fi classics such as "E.T." and "Gremlins", "Super 8" definitely captures the essence of this cinematic period, and has this nostalgic feel about it, that we all love. It's a story about true friendship, young love, family issues and passion for cinema, with a sci-fi spin that is intended to be the main focus of the story, but somehow ends up on a second place, because of the genuine relationship and the strong interaction between the characters, and their 'real life' stories. The acting from the engaging young cast is definitely one of the film's main strengths. Joel Courtney is incredibly likable as the main protagonist, Joe, and greatly combines juvenile curiosity and enthusiasm with bravery and determination. Elle Fanning is sweet and innocent, but at the same time she acts very maturely for her age, plus she shares great chemistry with Joel. Riley Griffiths shines as Charles, and Ryan Lee is as adorable as he's hilarious, and delivers arguably the most memorable performance of all the kids. Kyle Chandler appears a bit stiff at times, but overall he does a fine job as the bold deputy sheriff and caring single dad, Jackson, and Ron Eldard gives a surprisingly great performance as the troubled Louis. The rest of the supporting cast deliver decent performances, with no real standouts or weak links. In terms of visuals and technical qualities, "Super 8" is pretty satisfying to say the least. J.J. Abrams' direction is typically solid and often imaginative, though at times it feels a bit unsteady and maybe too influenced by Spielberg's style. The grainy, murky, exquisitely muted cinematography suits both, the time period and the mysterious atmosphere of the movie, and the production design is quite authentic, if not exactly first-rate. The creature itself is rather disappointing - while its CGI design is pretty slick, it seems a bit overdone, and not particularly memorable. However, the rest of the special effects are impressive and quite flawless, with the 'train crash' sequence being the most jaw-droppingly spectacular moment and, hands down, the visual highlight of the film.

Overall summary: Despite some pacing issues and a rather anti-climatic final act, "Super 8" is still an engrossing, well-crafted and highly atmospheric sci-fi movie with heart, that proudly pays homage to Spielberg's classics, but will hardly be considered as one of them.

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