Senin, 28 Mei 2012

Sint aka Saint movie review (2011)

Sint a.k.a. Saint (2011)

Brief review: Last year's Finnish horror movie "Rare Exports" showed us the evil side of Santa Claus. This year, Netherlands brings us more 'holiday' horror fun in "Saint" - a horror comedy that depicts St. Nicholas as a murderous bishop who murders children when there is a full moon on Dec 5. The best thing about this Dutch horror movie is that it never takes itself too seriously and shows us what a great sense of humor its director actually has. Dick Maas knows perfectly that his film is superficial, but he demonstrates imagination, originality, and some good skills behind the camera, offering us a horror comedy that is well-balanced, entertaining, action-packed, and visually effective, but most of all, fun to watch. Set in the murky, yet beautiful Amsterdam, "Saint" captivates the eye with its gloomy visuals, atmospheric snowy settings and stylish cinematography that suits the dark tone of the film. The make-up and gore effects are also spot-on. Although it's far from scary, "Sint" is quite creepy and gory and there a few jump-of-your-seat moments that will raise your adrenaline. All the actors do a good job in portraying their characters, though you may struggle to figure out which characters are the main, and which are the secondary.

Overall summary: Despite its ridiculous premise, "Sint" remains a unique, clever, and finely-executed little gem of a horror comedy, that provides some good laugh, decent scares, tons of gore, and a surreal dark holiday atmosphere that makes it perfect to watch on Halloween.

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