Selasa, 24 April 2012

Numerous QuickRatings PART : Foreign Horror Thrillers

Agnosia (2010)

QuickRating: Though this Spanish supernatural thriller has a truly original premise, gorgeously authentic production design, and an exquisite cinematography, the film itself suffers form 'agnosia' - it struggles in its attempt to bring plot, acting , directing and visuals together, and as a result, its execution seems as 'blurry' as its main character's eyesight.

My Rating: 5.25/10

Spiderhole (2010)

QuickRating: Often creepy and utterly claustrophobic, yet hardly scary or suspenseful, this Irish slasher boasts some eerie and chilling settings, a good twist in the end, and a couple of good death scenes, but its lack of originality, so-so direction, and stupid characters reduce the film to the 'common' level of mediocre horror film-making.

My Rating: 5.50/10

We Are What We Are


QuickRating: Intentionally cheap-looking and lacking in production values, "We Are What We Are" is a gruesome and disturbing story about modern day cannibalism, that shocks the viewer with its uncompromising harshness and extreme violence, but as a whole, the film is not nearly as effective and frightening as it thinks it is.

My Rating: 5.50/10

La Meute a.k.a.
The Pack

QuickRating: This old-school French horror flick may not have the most unique plot ever or a first-rate execution, but it's a twisted, atmospheric and bizarre experience, that compensates with buckets of gore, some truly creepy looking creatures, a couple of really good scares and plenty of murky visuals. Its oddness is its strength.

My Rating: 6.00/10

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