Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

"Awesome" Bloggers: Beware of Dr Blood!

Hello, dear friends and readers!

I'm doing this post against my will, and I don't feel good about it at all, but since Dr Blood (who turned out to be the rudest, most arrogant and impolite bloggers I've ever met) presented ME as the bad guy who says mean things to people (take a look a this), I decided to "advertise" his rudeness and unacceptable behavior publicly.

First, read this comment on Porkhead's "Let Me In" review. His negativity is exhausting, isn't it?!

Dr Blood said: But it IS dumbed down. Eli was a castrato, Abby is just a girl who is now a vampire so the whole "I'm not a girl" thing is made simpler and the relationship to the "non-father" paedophile makes even less sense. Also "Let Me In" just has stereotypical American high school bullies, amped-up gore to please the masses, Abby is now a jerky CGI monkey vampire, and the swimming pool scene is much weaker. But, yes, the only thing that needed to be changed was the cat scene, i.e. it needed to be done better not left out entirely.

Nebular said: Dr Blood, you know what? Everything you say is bullshit. Sorry about that, but it's true.

So, beware guys! If you ever disagree with Dr Blood, or if you say to him something he doesn't like to hear, where's what follows:

Dr Blood has left a new comment on your post "[7.25/10] Sucker Punch (2011)":

"It sucked, just like your review."

Dr Blood has left a new comment on your post "[6.00/10] Wake Wood (2011)":

"Yeah, it's about as original as PET SEMATARY! You are now banned from interacting with my blog after what you wrote on Porkhead's review of that crappy dumbed down remake "Let Me In". You are just a common, ignorant, pleb with no taste or discernment in movies whatsoever. I bet you really loved "Sucker Punch" which you raved about constantly too. Idiot."

And I just used the word "bullshit", and in my next sentence, even apologized for using it.

Dr Blood has left a new comment on your post "[6.00/10] Wake Wood (2011)":


And then continued harassing me... so I had to fight back...

Dr Blood said: @Nebular - try backing up your juvenile insults with some facts next time or try watching some more films with subtitles. I know how you Americans hate that. :P

Nebular said: Dr Blood, LOL!:D First of all, I'm not an American. Secondly, I watch ALL the films with subtitles, much to your surprise. You're so overreacting, dude. Are you always so mean to people that disagree with you? That's so selfish. Now you've been crowned Dr. Blood the grumpy, self-centered egoist, who has zero respect for other people's opinions. Based on your attitude, I doubt have any friends in real life. Joel, sorry about this argument. It has nothing to do with you and your "Let Me In" review.

Dr Blood said: @ Nebular - "Dr Blood, you know what? Everything you say is bullshit." Yeah, right. What reaction do you expect to that? Hearts and flowers? Get a job, George, and buy yourself some manners
Nebular said: Yeah, and then I said I'm sorry, but now... I actually don't. Just learn to appreciate honesty, Dr. Grumpy. And you're talking me about manners?! LOL! You're so rude, it's unbelievable! Yes, I said 'bullshit', but your reaction was TOO arrogant. Dr. Blood: "You are just a common, ignorant, pleb with no taste or discernment in movies whatoever. I bet you really loved "Sucker Punch" which you raved about constantly too. Idiot." Don't worry about me, I have a great job. ;) Obviously, your job is to be rude to people that disagree with you. I'm done with you now. GOODBYE!

Dr Blood said: @Nebular - Good riddance! I hope you have great success getting your obvious bipolar disorder treated.

About Dr Blood: "I'm a Brit living in America who loves watching horror films late at night with two cats for company."


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